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CUJS Easter 2012

Hello there,

We are the Presidents of CUJS for Easter Term 2012. You may know us as Matt Reizenstein and Zac Shear and our team name is ... Mac Reizenshear.

We'd like to think we've organised a pretty poor term to end this academic year, but then we'd be wrong. Be it the delicious four-course Friday Night meals, boozy Friday Night Onegs, Bagel Brunch, The Apprentice, or Lunch-and-Learn, we have a weekly event for you. So there should be no excuses for low turnouts this term (exams, schmexams, we say)

Check out the Term Planner to see what's on and when, and if nothing strikes your fancy, get in touch with us, let us know what you want and if it doesn't break too many laws, we'll do our best to accommodate you. Nevertheless, we'd really rather not do anything too out of the ordinary - we're just not like that.

We're also here just if you need some help or support, so do get in touch with us, and we'll do whatever we can (again, within the law).

We're looking forward to leading you this term through the Golden Jubilee, the Olympics and, most importantly, Shavuoth.

Matt and Zac

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Membership & Alumni

J-Soc Alumni can now join the alumni mailing list.

For all non-members, if you havn't yet joined, get reduced-price meals by signing-up for membership today:

Downloadable Membership Form (PDF)

Honorary Patrons

The Lord Janner of Braunstone QC
The Lord Kalms of Edgware
The Lord Levy of Mill Hill
Sir Martin Sorrell
Chief Rabbi Prof. Sir Jonathan Sacks
Rabbi Dr. Abraham Levy
Ms. Caprice Bourret
Prof. Simon Schama
The Rt. Hon Michael Howard QC MP
Mr. Jonathan Djanogly MP

Registered No. 63140 under the Places of Worship Act 1855

Recognised as a charity under the Charities Act 1960,
Inland Revenue reference X55157

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Website by Claude Schneider © 2004-2012