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Jews are reknowned for being sporty (ahem), and CUJS does the best to provide for its sportier members. There are currently ladders in tennis, pool and table tennis. To get involved, send an email to relevant person:

Pool: Simon (Culanu - via the Contact Page)

If there is another sport/game for which you would like to set up a ladder, or organise a tournament, please get in touch with the presidents, via the Contact Page, who will be only to happy to publicise things. Who knows, you could even get your own highly sought after @cujs.org email address!

In the past there has been a Jsoc varsity boat race with Oxford Jsoc. If you are interested in taking part in this year's race, drop the presidents a line (see above).

Browse the J-Soc Photo Gallery
Order Food from the Jerusalem Caf�

Thu 4th October
Full term starts

Thu 4th October
Freshers' Fair

Fri 5th October
Freshers' Fair

Sun 7th October
Pre-Yom Kippur Meal

Mon 8th October
Yom Kippur

Website by Claude Schneider © 2004-2012