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UJS-Hillel Centre
Rabbi Simon Mandel
CUJS needs you!
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We need your support!

CUJS provides a valuable service for Jewish students in Cambridge, both social and educational. The more funds we have, the more we can provide for Jewish students at Cambridge.

In return for sponsorship, we can feature your company on our website, our term planner, our publicity and our emails. In the past companies who have sponsored CUJS have remarked to us that they have seen an upturn in business/more job applications from Jewish students.

If you are interested in sponsoring the society, please contact the Presidents via our Contact Page.

Current Sponsors:

accounting for excellence . . .

Rainbow Caf�
UJS UJS-Hillel Culanu Centre

Browse the J-Soc Photo Gallery
Order Food from the Jerusalem Caf�

Website by Claude Schneider © 2004-2011