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Our Interfaith Officer & Jewish-Muslim Relations

Interfaith Officers:
Rachel Guthartz and Elliot Steinberg

Hey, We're Elliot and Rachel.

We're SUPER KEEN and interested in improving relations between all different faiths. We're going to be organising loads of events to get involved with so make sure you're there!

If you want any info, have any ideas or any questions please get in touch!

GET EXCITED! Look forward to hearing from you! :D

R.E. (like the subject - and our initials - AMAZING)

CUFF is the Cambridge University Faiths Forum which exists to allow the students of Cambridge to engage in interfaith dialogue and to learn more about each others' faiths.

MoJoW is the Cambridge Muslim-Jewish Women's Dialogue Group. It is a Cambridge-based forum for Muslim and Jewish women to engage in religiously-orientated dialogue and activities.

Find out more on the Women's page, or contact Miriam (MoJoW - via the Contact Page) for further information.

MoJoW members are made of up of people of different ages from Cambridge University, Anglia Ruskin University, and local residents.

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Website by Claude Schneider © 2004-2011