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CUJS Michaelmas 2011

Hey everyone!

I can�t believe you are reading this. You must be very bored. Or very good at procrastinating. Or Freshers. We�re Emma and Michal and we are your Presidents this Michaelmas 2011. We can�t wait to see lots of new faces as well as those of you who just can�t keep away.

The term is packed full right from the word go with Yom Kippur and Succot during term time. Aside from the Chagim, we have regular Friday night dinners, Social Action, Grad Events, Interfaith socials and, of course, Cambridge�s very own Booze for Jews.

We look forward to seeing you throughout the term. If you have any questions in the meantime don�t hesitate to get in contact with us or our amazing Freshers Reps Gid and Mims.

Lots of love,
Emma & Michal

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For all non-members, if you havn't yet joined, get reduced-price meals by signing-up for membership today:

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Honorary Patrons

The Lord Janner of Braunstone QC
The Lord Kalms of Edgware
The Lord Levy of Mill Hill
Sir Martin Sorrell
Chief Rabbi Prof. Sir Jonathan Sacks
Rabbi Dr. Abraham Levy
Ms. Caprice Bourret
Prof. Simon Schama
The Rt. Hon Michael Howard QC MP
Mr. Jonathan Djanogly MP

Registered No. 63140 under the Places of Worship Act 1855

Recognised as a charity under the Charities Act 1960,
Inland Revenue reference X55157

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Website by Claude Schneider © 2004-2011