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The Jerusalem Caf�

The Jerusalem Caf� provides quality kosher food primarily for students, but is open to anyone interested in kosher meals.

The meals we provide are:

  • a sumptuous four-course Friday night dinner, from 8:15pm

  • a delightful Shabbat lunch

  • Seuda Shlishit (dinner on Shabbat) in conjunction with the CU Cholent Society

Meals on festivals are provided.
We are also looking into stocking some kosher essentials for students to buy.

We have an ordering system for all meals.
To order a meal click here https://food.cujs.org.

All meals should be ordered by 6am Thursday (or the day before Yom Tov) By ordering online, your account will automatically be debited for the meal.

Orders can only be cancelled before 6am Thursday by emailing the Canteen Treasurer via our Contact Page. If you don't book, you are still very welcome and we'll do our best to provide food, though you'll be charged an extra �2.50 for each dinner or lunch meal. We do ask you to respect the ordering system as otherwise we could underestimate numbers leaving everyone somewhat wanting in food!

Visitors do not need accounts but please get in touch so that we have enough food for you!

Please feel free to email the canteen us with feedback, comments and suggestions for future meal here.

Kosher Food

Kosher food is easily accessible in Cambridge:
Derby Stores (by the Newnham Co-op) has a small stock of Kosher bread, cheeses, pot noodles and other condiments. They will also take orders for deliveries from London.
The 'big' Sainsburys (on Coldhams Lane) also has Kosher sections, and stocks chicken, sliced meats, dips and various bits and bobs.

CU Cholent Society

The cholent society is our name for the third Shabbat meal (seuda shlishit) because historically (!) Cambridge students enjoy a steaming bowl of cholent (meat stew) with a shot of whiskey at this time on Shabbat.

Feel free to join us every week, Shabbat afternoon in the student centre, for a culinary and spiritual experience.

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Order Food from the Jerusalem Caf�

Website by Claude Schneider © 2004-2011