Welcome to the JCafé Booking System!
To access your account details, click on your name in the top right of the page. This page displays information such as your JCafé Balance, how to top up, and whether or not you are Vegetarian.
It's important to check that this is set correctly before adding meals to the basket.
To add a meal to the basket for yourself, simply click on it. Adding a meal to the basket does not book that meal - to book meals, you must click Book Meals in the basket.
Your account is like a mobile top-up system. By booking a meal, your account (starting at £0.00) will be debited. We allow your account to go as low as -£0, after which you will incur extra charges for booking until you pay off your debt. To top up your account, you need to transfer funds to our canteen treasurer - see your Account page (click on your name in the top right) for how to do this.
Prices |
Meal |
Members' Price |
Non-Members' Price |
Friday Night Dinner |
£5.00 |
£6.00 |
Shabbat Lunch |
£3.00 |
£4.00 |
Cholent Society |
£1.50 |
£2.50 |
Debt Rules |
Account balance below -£-0 |
£0.00 extra on Friday Night Dinner £0.00 extra on Shabbat lunch and Cholent Society |
Account balance below -£-0 |
£0.00 extra on Friday Night Dinner £0.00 extra on Shabbat lunch and Cholent Society |
Late Booking Rules |
Booking after Midnight on Wednesday |
£0.00 extra on Friday Night Dinner £0.00 extra on Shabbat lunch and Cholent Society |
Booking closes at Midday on Friday |
Not booking |
£0.00 extra on Friday Night Dinner £0.00 extra on Shabbat lunch and Cholent Society |
Become a member of CUJS to get discounts on meals (see above).
1) Account top-up takes up to 24 hours to update on the system. On request, JCafé will reimburse users who were fined for booking during this period of delay.
2) It will take up to 48 hours to update new members on the system so that they receive the members’ discounts. On request, JCafé will reimburse users who were fined for booking during this period of delay.
3) Users who have a positive balance upon graduation can ask JCafé to have the funds transferred to their bank accounts.
4) First time visitors to CUJS do not pay late booking fees.
This website is developed and maintained by volunteers. If you spot a bug, please report it to
the CUJS Webmaster.