Committee Members


Joel Lefkowitz


Engineering, Trinity College

Daniel Lederman

Daniel Lederman


Law, Jesus College

Avigail Simmonds Rosten

President Elect

History, Newnham College

Sophia Bor

President Elect

Classics, Girton College

Finance, Fundraising and Administration

Dani Jacobson



Jake Mendel

Jake Mendel


Natural Sciences, St. Catherine’s College

Josh Daniel

Buildings & Security

NatSci, Jesus College


Matty Handler

Canteen Treasurer

Law, Sidney Sussex College

Ben Grodzinski

Canteen Treasurer

Medicine, Christ’s College

Avigail Simmonds-Rosten

Canteen Manager

History, Newnham College

Sylvie Hodes

Canteen Manager

Russian and Arabic, Jesus College

Education, Events and Social Action

Abby Zucker

Abby Zucker


History, Queen’s College

Natalie Saideman

Natalie Saideman


Veterinary Medicine, Selwyn College

Daniel Braun

Ents Officer

Arthur Bessis

Ents Officer

Land Economy, Fitzwilliam College

Alex Bolot

Social Action

History, Queen’s College

Jordana Price

Social Action

Fitzwilliam College

Zev Shirazi


Religious and Welfare

Elisheva Greenberg

Egal Rep

HSPS, Murray Edwards

Miriam Quinn

Egal Rep

HSPS, Murray Edwards

Abe Tolley

Egal Rep

Medicine, Christ’s College

Nathalia Schomerus

Nathalia Schomerus


PhD, Pembroke College

Sylvie Hodes

Hallel Rep

Russian and Arabic, Jesus College

Sophia Bor

Ortho Rep

Classics, Girton College

Leah Shaya

Ortho Rep

English, Jesus College

Adina Wineman

Adina Wineman

Grad Rep

Natural Sciences, Emmanuel College

Aure Aflalo

Aure Aflalo

Grad Rep

Arthur Bessis

International Rep

Land Economy, Fitzwilliam College

Sarah Davidson

Sarah Davidson

Women’s Officer

History, Sidney Sussex College

Shimon Ellerman


Law, Jesus College

Press and Publicity

Yonah Citron

Yonah Citron

External Officer

Russian & Arabic, Homerton College

Matti Brooks

Publicity Officer

Law, Sidney Sussex

Aaron Solomon


Machine Learning, Girton College

Council of Presidents

Joshua Cainer

Joshua Cainer

Chairman, Secretary, Michaelmas 2014 - Lent 2016. Founding father

LLM, Downing College

Dan Stein

Dan Stein

President, Lent 2015

Clinical Medicine, St Catherine’s

Ronit Wineman

Ronit Wineman

President, Easter 2015 (Patron Saint 2016- )

English Literature, Gonville and Caius

Joel Collick

Joel Collick

President, Easter 2015

English Literature, Gonville and Caius

Joseph Benedyk

Joseph Benedyk

President, Michaelmas 2015

HSPS, Queens’

Gabi Lapedus

Gabi Lapedus

President, Michaelmas 2015

Education and English, Fitzwilliam

Juliet Morland

Juliet Morland

President, Lent 2016

MML, Jesus

Gabriel Gendler

Gabriel Gendler

President, Lent 2016

Mathematics, Trinity

Aron Carr

Aron Carr

President, Easter 2016

History, Queens’

Elena Stagni

Elena Stagni

President, Easter 2016

History, St Catherine’s

Dani Jacobson

Dani Jacobson

President, Michaelmas 2016

MML, Emmanuel

Oren Yefet

Oren Yefet

President, Michaelmas 2016

Engineering, Gonville and Caius

Adam Goott

Adam Goott

President, Lent 2017

English Literature, Trinity Hall

Alex Szlezinger

Alex Szlezinger

President, Lent 2017

Theology, Pembroke

Rachael Goldwater

Rachael Goldwater

President, Easter 2017

History, Murray Edwards

Dina Gitlin-Leigh

Dina Gitlin-Leigh

President, Easter 2017

History, Queens’

Hugo Davidson

Hugo Davidson

President, Michaelmas 2017

MML, Emmanuel College

Nathan Steuer

Nathan Steuer

President, Michaelmas 2017

Natural Sciences, Gonville & Caius College

Adina Wineman

Adina Wineman

President, Lent 2018

Natural Sciences, Emmanuel College

Alex Motzkin

Alex Motzkin

President, Lent 2018

Mathematics, Sidney Sussex College

Abby Zucker

Abby Zucker

President, Easter 2018

History, Queens’ College

Sarah Davidson

Sarah Davidson

President, Easter 2018

History, Sidney Sussex College